For Members


This website provides members the most up-to-date information about local wholesale products & specialty crops, educational opportunities, upcoming meetings, and industry news. Please visit often.

Special note from the President of MFGA

If you are new to MFGA or if you are someone that does not regularly attend our meetings and events, I urge you to do so. Every meeting offers education and information, but above all, every meeting allows us the chance to talk among ourselves about the challenges and opportunities we see ahead.

These conversations keep MFGA pro-active in staying ahead of pests and diseases, proposed regulations, new and emerging markets, up and coming plants and much more. The people in this Association generously share their information and knowledge, because we know that in order to maintain our economic viability as an industry, each of us must be financially successful in our own business.

I hope to see you at the next meeting.

—MFGA President

Has your information changed?

Fill out our online form to submit any changes you may have to your member listing.

Massachusetts Flower Growers' Association