MFGA Winter Meeting • February 22, 2022

Northeast Nursery Supplies warehouse, 147 Summit Street, Unit 2A, Peabody, Massachusetts

Behind all the buildings in the industrial park—call 978-317-6016 for directions if needed.

Sponsored by the Massachusetts Flower Growers’ Association

Registration includes catered lunch! Registration must be received by February 21, 2022.

Click here for a downloadable pdf that includes the registration form and complete agenda.

8 – 9:15am

Open House—visit before you come to the meeting
Kane’s Flower World owners Jeff and Ralph Kane invite you to stop by and see their retail and wholesale operation. Visit before you come to the meeting Kane’s Flower World, Inc., 64 Andover Street, Rte. 114, Danvers


Registration open: Complimentary coffee and pastries (Northeast Nursery Supply)


Welcome: Tom Spence, Northeast Greenhouse and Supply manager

9:45 – 10:45am

Effective Control of Greenhouse Insect and Mite Pests in Spring Greenhouse Crops
Rick Yates, technical support manager, Griffins Greenhouse Supply
Review of solutions to the most common and problematic insects and mites the growers face to produce Spring greenhouse crops. (1 pesticide recertification credit)

11am – 12pm

Effective use of PGRs (Plant Growth Regulators) on Spring Greenhouse Crops.
Nick Flax, technical services specialist for Ball Horticultural Company
How you can use PGRs to improve your crop quality. Be it hanging baskets, pots or flats, Nick will review the products or environmental controls to use for the most effective methods. (1 pesticide recertification credit)

12 – 1pm

Catered lunch—Reservations requested ASAP
MFGA Annual Meeting—Ed Bemis, president and Bob Luczai, secretary

1 – 1:30pm

Short Panel and Discussion: Best Promotional Methods to Attract and Maintain Customers
Hear how some of our members attract and maintain customers and where they are putting their advertising dollars and energy.

Fran Morello – Fran’s Flowers, Framingham
Linda Zukas- Nunan Florist and Greenhouses, Georgetown
Tina Bemis- Bemis Farms Nursery, Spencer

1:30 – 2pm

The Supply Chain Situation—Now and In the Foreseeable Future
A panel of greenhouse and retail suppliers will give their opinions on the current supply chain problems, what they see and what they will do in the future. Panelists include representatives of hard goods including soil mixes, pots and plant suppliers.

For more information contact:

Bob Luczai, MFGA: 781-275-4811 (office) or 508-935-8264 (cell)

Registration includes catered lunch! Registration must be received by February 21, 2022.

Click here for a downloadable pdf that includes the registration form and complete agenda.

Massachusetts Flower Growers' Association